Conduct of competition

Planning finals
The Championship France Interclubs is organized so pyramid.
The championship "Elite" is composed of 2 divisions:
- The National 1A: 2 groups of 6 teams.
- The National 1B: 2 groups of 6 teams.
- The National 1A: 2 groups of 6 teams.
- The National 1B: 2 groups of 6 teams.
The championship "National" is composed of 2 divisions:
- The National 2: 6 groups of 6 teams.
- The National 3: 12 groups of 6 teams.
- The National 2: 6 groups of 6 teams.
- The National 3: 12 groups of 6 teams.
The Championship Interclubs is organized in the form of 10 days per roundtrip meetings. Each encounter is played in 8 games:
2 Singles Men, 2 Women's Singles, Doubles Men 1, 1 and 2 Doubles Mixed Doubles.
2 Singles Men, 2 Women's Singles, Doubles Men 1, 1 and 2 Doubles Mixed Doubles.
At the end of 10 days:
- Final Phase N1A:
The first 2 teams from each of 2 hens of the National 1A featured final 4, after which the club is designated Champion of France. This club represents France at the Cup of Europe Clubs.
The first 2 teams from each of 2 hens of the National 1A featured final 4, after which the club is designated Champion of France. This club represents France at the Cup of Europe Clubs.